Autologous cancer antigen-stimulated CTL therapy
AKT-DC(Activated Killer T cells and dendritic cells)

Ideal treatment with evidence for prevention of recurrence after surgery

AKT-DC therapy has been clinically studied as a government-approved advanced medical treatment under Dr. Hideki Kimura at Chiba Cancer Center until 2012, and has been offered as a cancer treatment.

This is a treatment method for patients who have undergone radical surgery for lung cancer, in which the patient’s own lymph nodes removed during surgery are used to proliferate and activate their own lymphocytes and strongly induce CTL (Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes).

Dendritic cells (DCs) that present multiple cancer antigens naturally exist in the patient’s lymph nodes, and killer T cells that proliferate by presenting these antigens without stimulation by anti-CD3 antibodies are mainly used in the therapy, and many of these proliferated lymphocytes are activated as CTL. This is an ideal tailor-made individualized immuno-cell therapy for the prevention of postoperative recurrence.

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